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Water Polo at Grant High School is a self supporting club sport. We are a 501(c)3 non profit organization that relies on dues, fundraising and volunteers for a successful season! It's a super fun sport and we are so happy you are interested in being a part of the team! 


ATHLETICS CLEARANCE PROCESS!! Fall athletic clearance opens on June 1st! Register Online at First time users need to set up an account. FamilyID captures all necessary information as well as waivers. Once you have an account in FamilyID, subsequent registrations are easy! All student athletes must complete the registration process each season for each sport. Please visit (clearance tab) for more information. All players including inclusive player must complete this. 


Registration fees: Fees are still being established for the 2024 season and we hope to keep them in line with the 2023 season. In the prior season, they were $450 for first family member, $350 for second family member, $250 for third family member and $150 for the fourth family member. Please contact us if you'd like to set up a payment plan or to see if you qualify for a scholarship. 




Volunteer Obligation: Each family has an obligation to volunteer six hours throughout the season. Volunteer sign ups will be available throughout the season. Alternatively, a family may choose to pay an additional $20/hour in lieu of volunteering. Please include this payment with your registration. We will have a log for parents to keep track of their hours.  



To complete registration: Please submit all of the following forms below plus the registration fee, by completing online or bringing it to the pool, email or mail to our PO Box.  


Grant Water Polo Club 

3439 NE Sandy Blvd #159

Portland OR 97232


**Do not turn forms in to the Grant Athletic Department - as a club sport we are responsible for our own registration.**

**If you attend a high school that does not offer water polo, you may be eligible to join our team. Please complete this form for a team assignment.**

**If you have any questions about any of the following forms or waivers feel free contact us!**



Electronic Form Submission
Complete forms 01- 04 electronically.  Families still need to complete the Athletic Clearance Process separately.


Print and sign forms 01-04 below


Registration Form


Click here to access the Grant High School Water Polo Club Athlete Information Form


Waiver Form


Click here to access the Grant High School Water Polo Club Waiver Form


Concussion Form


Click here to access the Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet


Please only include the signed sheets. Thanks


Code of Conduct


Click here to access the Athlete Code of Conduct Form




Grant High School Physical Clearance Form


Click here to download



Not from Grant? 


Fill out inclusivity form here


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